нареч. заблаговременно; своевременно, заранее синоним: early, beforehand, betimes, in proper time вовремя
time: 1) время Ex: absolute time абсолютное время Ex: space and time пространство и время Ex: with time, in (the) course of time, in (the) process of time, as time goes с течением времени; по мере того, к
-time: -taɪm второй компонент сложных слов со значением: период, пора spring-time — весна vacation-time — каникулы night-time — ночь, ночной период
in the correct rhythm; "the dancers moved in time with the music"
within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time; "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves"; "sooner or later you will have to face the facts"; "in time they came to accept the harsh reality" Синонимы: yet, yet,
without being tardy; "we made it to the party in time" Синонимы: soon enough, soon enough,
within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time; "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves"; "sooner or later you will have to face the facts"; "in time they came to accept the harsh reality" Синонимы: yet, yet,
without being tardy; "we made it to the party in time" Синонимы: soon enough, soon enough,